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Centro di GeoTecnologie

  /  Events   /  Final dissertation: Master of Science in Engineering Geology A.Y. 2021/2022

Final dissertation: Master of Science in Engineering Geology A.Y. 2021/2022

The second and last session of the final dissertation of the Master of Science in Engineering Geology (A.Y. 2021/2022) will take place on Aprile 21st, 2023 🎓

📜 Candidates will conclude the Master’s training course by exhibiting the elaborate result of the activities carried out during the curricular internship in front of the commission:

  • Dr. Lorenzo Buratti: Analysis of the rigorous Local Seismic Response of the new community hospital of San Secondo Parmense – internship at Center for GeoTechnologies of University of Siena
  • Dott.ssa Sara Cafaggi: HVSR surveys in abandoned quarries in the municipal area of Bologna – Internship at INGV (Bologna – IT)

Click here to read the abstracts.

For more information on geotechnics and geoengineering
 at the Center for GeoTechnologies:

📞 +39 055.9119444