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June 2023

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🎓 Here are the calls for 3 of the 4 CGT Masters of the University of Siena in didactic planning for the A.Y. 2023/2024! ✔ Geomatica I e II level ✔ Geotecnologie per l’Archeologia (GTARC) II level ✔ Engineering Geology II level 🏘 University campus with subsidized accommodation for master's students ⏰ Deadline October 16th and December 15th ℹ more info 🔗 📧

On June the 30th, 2023 from 3.00 pm at the Centre for GeoTechnologies of the University of Siena, Dr. Vincenzo Sapia, PhD of INGV will hold the workshop High resolution geophysical prospections: a tool for archaeological investigations Geophysical surveys, through various methods, allow a recognition of the subsoil of an area, through the measurement, carried out from the

Hydrogeological risk, some areas of Siena are also at risk – interview on RadioSienaTV S.r.l. The territory of Siena is not without risks, explained Riccardo Salvini, president of the Center for GeoTechnologies of the University of Siena: maintenance is crucial "The figure of the geologist is important when choosing land for building, in fact money is then spent