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Laboratory of Applied and Environmental Hydrogeology

  /    /  Laboratory of Applied and Environmental Hydrogeology

Today the deep knowledge of groundwater resources is very important, given the increasing societal need of water. The applied and environmental hydrogeology deals with the study of the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and in the rocks of the earth’s crust, with the quality and quantity estimation of these resources and the vulnerability to pollution and depletion of aquifers. Moreover, this discipline has the purpose to assess the impact of engineering works on water resource, through the integration of many disciplines such as hydraulics, soil mechanics, fluid dynamics and geochemistry. In particular, the staff of the Applied and environmental hydrogeology laboratory is involved in the study of aquifers and their vulnerability to pollution, and in the numerical modelling of groundwater flows and contaminant transport by means of advanced tools for the geostatic analysis and geo-environmental modelling.