The “Giovanni Massa” Library includes the student library and the CGT library, and is open to all students and researchers; the library supports research, consulting and training activities of the Center.
The student library includes books and video resources provided by the University of Siena in support of the CGT‘s teaching activities. Our CGT library includes numerous and different (e.g. books, journals, audiovisual material, topographic maps, geological maps, geothematic maps) collected by the our researchers and made available to all the staff. Above all, the library includes a miscellany of thousands of scientific papers donated to the CGT by different geologists among whom Prof. P. Scandone, Prof. E. Patacca, Prof. G. Flores and Prof. L. Carmignani.
The main publications of Prof. Paolo Scandone are freely downloadable from this page in PDF format.
For book loans and access to other CGT Documentation Center facilities contact us:
wed-thu-fri 9AM-1PM/2PM-4PM