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Master of Science in Geomatics – A.Y. 2024/2025

  /    /  Master of Science in Geomatics – A.Y. 2024/2025

The expert in Geomatics has a professional profile connected to the development of recent geo-information technologies, capable of performing strategic tasks ranging from design, data collection, analysis, management, dissemination, and updating of territorial data. The disciplines employed for this purpose include remote sensing systems, aerial photogrammetry, terrestrial and drone photogrammetry, GPS/GNSS, aerial and terrestrial laser scanning, creation and management of databases and geothematic geographic archives, spatial data analysis within GIS environments, 3D data editing and modeling, and the publication of web-based cartographic services.

Thanks to the integration of data acquisition systems, geographic information systems, and digital cartography, the expert in Geomatics can find opportunities in agriculture, forestry sciences, geological sciences, topography, thematic cartography, territorial and environmental risk management, media, tourism, and defense.

  • Cost: 3500 €
  • Deadline: 16/12/2024
  • Total teaching hours: 755
  • ECTS: 72
  • Curricular internship hours: 275
  • Period of performance: January 2025 – January 2026
  • Responsible teacher: Salvini Riccardo
  • Cost: 3500 €
  • Deadline: 16/12/2024
  • Total teaching hours: 764
  • ECTS: 72
  • Curricular internship hours: 300
  • Period of performance: January 2025 – January 2026
  • Responsible teacher: Salvini Riccardo

Who it is for

  • Those who want to acquire, develop or consolidate skills in technical-professional disciplines within the company/professional firm in which they already work;
  • Those who carry out, or want to carry out, management roles within public administrations;
  • Those who carry out research activities and want to acquire new skills in the Master’s disciplines.

Admission Requirements for the First-Level Master’s Degree in Geomatics (GEOM):

Applicants must hold at least a first-level degree:

  • Any degree obtained under the regulations preceding Ministerial Decree 509/99
  • Any degree class pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 and Ministerial Decree 270/2004
  • Any specialist degree class pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 and master’s degrees pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004

Admission Requirements for the Second-Level Master’s Degree in Geomatics:

Applicants must hold a second-level degree:

  • Any degree obtained under the regulations preceding Ministerial Decree 509/99
  • Any specialist degree class pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 and master’s degrees pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004

Foreign graduates from EU and non-EU countries are also eligible, provided their academic qualifications are deemed equivalent to those required for Italian citizens by the Master’s Academic Committee.

Professional opportunities

The Master in Geomatics aims to provide skills for:
  • organise and manage information on the territory and the environment with the aid of the most modern information technologies;
  • acquire and process remote sensing data by means of active and passive satellite, airborne and remotely piloted sensors (drones);
  • monitor environmental parameters and their variations;
  • disseminating geo-referenced data, also through Web technologies.
Professional Figure

The professional figure trained in the Master will acquire a professionalism able to enter a highly innovative sector characterised by a solid applicative base. The expert in Geomatics will in fact have a new professional profile linked to the development of modern information technologies. The areas of professional use are many and relate to the use of data acquisition systems, geographic information systems and web-based dissemination. The competences conferred by the Master in Geomatics broaden the possibilities of use of the geological, agronomic, forestry, engineering, topographical, archaeological, urban planning disciplines, etc. and help to be placed in contexts of geology, agriculture, forestry, tourism, etc.. It also helps to find a place in professional contexts that produce and/or use geographic information (cartographic production companies, research companies, prospecting, exploitation and transformation of natural resources, consultancy, marketing and environmental consulting companies, software houses, etc.) and in public bodies (research institutes, governmental and local bodies, reclamation consortia and basin authorities, land registry, ARPA, superintendencies, museum bodies, etc.). There is a growing demand for experts in the disciplines offered by the Master in Geomatics from sectors of the public administration in charge of risk management of the territory and environment and its resources, defence, and from sectors of industry and large consulting, media and tourism companies. They are invaluable contributors to the application of spatial planning disciplines and bring irreplaceable know-how to all thematic mapping processes. The future expansion of remote sensing applications is also foreseeable, thanks to the increasing potential of satellite detection systems and the growing number of applications that exploit Web technologies (e.g. GoogleTMEarth, GoogleTMMaps, BingTM, etc.). The professional figure who will have acquired the skills foreseen by the master’s degree can also find a place in the international labour market where these skills are a preferential requirement.

Specialization courses

For more information about the specialization courses check out “Offerta Formativa” in the Italian page of the Master here.