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Centro di GeoTecnologie

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Call for Research Fellowship

📣 The University of Siena has published a public selection notice based on qualifications and interview for a 12-month research fellowship – (letter b).

🔎 Research Topic: “Geoneutrinos: Messengers from within the Earth”.

Research activities: Study and regional geological modeling of the Earth’s crust in 3D for interpreting the Earth’s radiogenic heat through the measurement of low-energy geoneutrino flux.

👛 Research project funded by the Ministry of University and Research “GUESS, GeoneUtrinos: mESSengers of the Earth’s interior” with funds from PRIN2022 (Projects of Significant National Interest – 2022 Call, Prot. 20222H57J7 CUP B53D23004890006).

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Riccardo Salvini

Scientific Disciplinary Sector: GEO/03 and GEO/05 (GEOS-02/C and GEOS-03/B)

Competition Sector: 04/A2 and 04/A3

Application deadline: 13/06/2024

Application submission method: Applications for the selection, written on plain paper according to the form in Annex B, should be addressed to the Administrative Office of the Department of Physical, Earth, and Environmental Sciences exclusively via certified email ( or email (

Act No. 1435 of 24/05/2024

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