Enrollment Open for the TACT Bachelor’s Degree Program
Starting today, July 29, 2024, enrollment is open for the professional-oriented Bachelor’s degree program in Technologies for the Environment, Construction and Territory (TACT) based at the Centre for GeoTechnologies of the University of Siena – San Giovanni Valdarno (AR).
Application Submission Timelines and Procedures
The application process is conducted entirely online via the Online Secretary portal (https://segreteriaonline.unisi.it/), where registration is required.
Applications can be submitted from 11:00 AM on Monday, July 29, 2024, until 11:00 AM on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, by following this path: “Menu” – “Secretary” – “Admission Tests”.
Limited enrollment
There are 25 available seats for the first year of the program.
There are no specific admission tests required, and enrollment will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis until all seats are filled.
The program has a highly practical focus, including numerous hours of laboratory and internship activities, allowing graduates to obtain the qualification to practice as a certified surveyor.
For more details, call for applications: https://www.unisi.it/didattica/immatricolazioni-e-iscrizioni/corsi-numero-programmato/tecnologie-lambiente-le-costruzioni