Contest “Tell us about your campus”
The University of Siena invites students to participate in the photographic contest “Tell us about your campus”, on the life of the Polo Aretino!
- When you are at the University in San Giovanni Valdarno or in Arezzo let yourself be inspired by the nature or architecture of the place and catch a detail of university life, alone or in company.
- Take a photo (up to three) that represents this moment, if possible including a study space, a monument, a naturalistic element of the campus or the one that most inspires you, or select a photo taken during your university life and that it seems suitable.
- Send the photograph by May 20th, 2023 preferably from your institutional account @student.unisi.it to the email address redazioneweb.campusarezzo@unisi.it
Photos (maximum three):
- must be sent in the original format;
- they must not contain signatures, frames or other elements extraneous to the image;
- the file name must be composed of the author’s surname and first nam
The sending email must indicate:
- the subject “Racconta il tuo campus” (that is the name of the contest in italian language);
- your name and surname;
- a telephone number
- the degree/training/post-graduate course attended;
- the title of the works.
You must attach to the e-mail:
- photography;
- the release for the use of the images, completed and signed, and that of other people who may be recognizable in the photo you sent and the related identity documents (download the form on the dedicated web page).
All the photos will be published in an album on the Arezzo Campus Facebook page on May 24th, when the race to get more likes will begin.
You can vote until 04 June 2023.
The three most voted photos will be the winners and will be published on the sites and social pages of the University of Siena.
A special jury prize will be awarded by the Arezzo Campus Management Committee (Cogear) to ten shots, which will be presented in an exhibition set up in the Pionta campus spaces.
Winners will be notified by email.
The award ceremony will take place during the exhibition. News will be given on university social networks and local media.
We invite all CGT students to participate to show that San Giovanni is an active part of the Polo Aretino!!