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openday Tag

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📢 On Tuesday, February 20th, the Open Day of the University of Siena will take place! 🎓 Among other courses, the new Professional Degree Course in Technologies for the Environment, Construction, and Territory of class L-P01 (Technical Professions for Construction and Territory) will also be presented, scheduled for the next academic year 2024/2025. 📐 The Professional Degree Course

‼️ You can also find #CGT at the open day of the Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment of the University of Siena‼️ 📅 May, 10th 2023 📍 Educational complex Pian de’Mantellini - Piazzetta Enzo Tiezzi 1 - Siena - Italy 🕝 02.30 PM: presentation of the Degree Courses ⛰ Geology 🌱 Environmental and Natural Sciences 🕕 06.00 PM: