Bright 2023 – September 29th, 2023
For this year as well, the annual science event promoted by universities and research institutions is back!
The Center for GeoTechnologies of the University of Siena, for the 2023 edition of Bright-Night – The European Night of Researchers, is organizing an event in San Giovanni Valdarno (AR) titled “Artisans of Tomorrow: Sustainable Coexistence between Man, Territory, and Technology“, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno and the Fondazione Masaccio.
The event will take place on September 29, 2023, with the schedule of 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM + 02:00 PM – 06:00 PM in Piazze Masaccio and Cavour (historic center) and only in the morning (09:00 AM – 01:00 PM) in the Garden of Epicurus on Via Bolzano.
The activities will be characterized by the presentation of demonstrations and interactive games for children and young people, aimed at exploring technologies, linguistic diversity, and the discrimination that often affects certain accents, in order to enable sustainable coexistence between humans, territory, and the social environment.
In particular, throughout the day, stations will be set up for the execution of playful/demonstrative activities that will engage young people with cutting-edge technologies and demonstrations of good practice in environmental and linguistic diversity.
The demonstrations are organized by researchers from the Center for GeoTechnologies of the University of Siena, with the active collaboration of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the National Museum of Antarctica (Siena branch), the Degree Course in Languages for Intercultural and Business Communication, and members of Erasmus+ CIRCE Project (Counteracting accent dIscrimination pRactiCes in Education), and organizations related to the event’s themes, as well as students and teachers from Valdarno Institutes (Giovanni da San Giovanni High School, Valdarno ISIS, B. Varchi IIS, Marconi IC).
The morning will be dedicated to students from schools upon reservation, while in the afternoon, participation is open to all interested individuals of all ages to explore the booths, seek clarifications and information, and participate in demonstrations!
For more info:
📧 formazione-cgt@unisi.it
📞 055.9119449